Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Freebie

Ah, I love when Friday rolls along, especially when I don't have to rush out of the house early. As I was lying in bed this morning waiting for the coffeemaker to do it's thing, I got to thinking about my next blog post. I have some great photos lined up for my weekly post, but I wanted to share a recent find. I was planning on printing some of my photographs to mat, frame and sell after I finished building my website (which is almost there) and remembered a suggestion from a friend-- Late last week, I selected a couple of photos to print, went to mpix and placed my order. I found the website easy to interact with, as I created my account and uploaded the images. A large variety of sizes were available, along with editing tools and adding borders. I submitted my order and waited. Well, the photos arrived yesterday and they look incredible! The colors were vibrant and the detail was, well, detailed! As much as I enjoy displaying my images on my blog, nothing quite compares to a finished print that's well done! Do you have some photos from that special trip or occassion? Go to and bring that moment to life!

Stay tuned for more weekly tips!

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